Dr. G.Anbuganapathi

Dr. G.Anbuganapathi

M.Sc., Ph.D., ESMP., PG(Dip) VARMA, TTC (Yoga)

He was born on 15th September 1950, as the first son to Mr. M. K. Govindaraju and Mrs. Alamelu, in a small village on the bank of "Thenpennai river" in Thirukovilur taluk of villupuram district.

His father with profound knowledge in original tamil epics, taught him the values of virtues and straight forwardness, and inculcated in his mind very strongly from childhood moral values, righteous living, critical thinking and analysis, by telling him every night in his own picturising style, the different characters of Mahabharatha,Ramayana, Vikramadhitha, Panchathanthra, Harichandra purana, etc.

His mother with great memory power used to recite Thirupugazh, Eighteen Siddhars songs, Vivekasindhamani, Arapaliswara sathagam, Parthasarathy maalai, etc., as lullaby which created great interest in him to study siddha literature deeply. His mother is more instrumental in kindling his interest towards siddha science.

His grandfather and father were practicing siddha medicine to treat snake bites, in the village. His uncle was an expert in treating Jaundice and he used to prepare a special cream to cure pestering incurable ulcers on the body.

The only medical care available in the village during his childhood was “Siddha Vaithiyam”. On seeing the patients getting cured from several diseases, he developed great interest in siddha system and started to identify and use herbs for treatments along with the elders of his family right from his childhood.


He had his school education in ‘Ramakrishna Padasalai’, Konour, Villupuram district (1955 – 1966); completed his undergraduate and Post graduate degrees in Pachaiyappa’s college. Madras (1967 – 1972); got his Ph.D degree in Madras university (1987).


He joined as teaching Faculty in zoology department of Kandasamy Kandar college, vellore, Namakkal district (1972) and took VRS in the year 2007 as Principal of the college. From the year 2007 to 2009 he was principal in Sekar arts and science college, Dharmapuri. He was sindicate member of periyar University, salem for 6 years. (2002 to 2007)


His school education in Ramakrishna Paadasalai and the small library of siddha books of his mother, supported his interest to learn and practice, yogasanas from childhood. Along with some of his like- minded friends he used to practice the higher order asanas like Sirasasana, Sarvangasana, Mayurasana, Halasana, Dharurasana etc, for several hours without tiredness and feeling the passing long hours spent during the practice.

He was systematically trained in Hatayoga by Swami Thejomayanandha, a direct disciple of Swami sivanandha from Rishikesh (1974). He was taught more asanas by Swami Boomanandha, who also taught him kriya and “Amuridharana”. He learnt yogasanas in Vivekanandha mut in Kanyakumari.(1978) To learn asana and pranayama he traveled to the far north Rishikesh and far west to Karnataka to specialize several superior asanas (1980 -1982). The great Hatayogi Swami Sundaraj from Thuraiur in Namakkal District taught him higher order Yogasanas,Pranayama, Bandha mudhra and shatkriyas (1985 – 2005).

He has been practicing yoga for more than 50 years and teaching yoga since 1972. His deep insight in yogic science enabled him to stream line yogasanas to cure specific diseases along with siddha medicine and develop “SIDDHA YOGA THERAPHY” System. He has releaed in the year 2007, 15 specific DVDs with therapeutic purpose to treat chronic incurable ailments of modern days.

As a feather on the CAP of his yoga contribution, he has released a DVD in the name of “GNAYIRU POTRI ASANAM” her in tamil. (2017) It is based on tamil tradition and all the mantras are written in tamil.

He has conducted several short term yoga training courses in the name of “VAZHA KATRU KOLVOM” and “MARANAM VELLUM MARMAM” in both India and Abroad, like Malaysia and USA. His followers of yoga are found all over world.

A special pranayama technic was designed and developed by him in the name of “SANGU THARAI UYIR VALI OONGU VAASI YOGAM”, based on the poem of siddhar SIVAVAAKIYAR to strengthen “Heart and lung machine” and to treat Asthma, Diabetics and Cardiac ailments, along with siddha medicines. He is a great boon in the field of siddha medicines and yoga to the modern world.

He is a qualified yoga teacher. He has been awarded TTC (Teacher Training Course) certificate (2017 -2018) by Shiv Dharshan Yoga Vidhyalaya, Sulai, Chennai, a branch of Muruger School of yoga, the only internationally recognized yoga school in India.


He has an expertise in Varma treatment also. He has attended all the Varma courses conducted by Dr. Kannan Rajaraman, Kanniyakumari. He is holding PG Diplomo in Varma and Thokkanam (massage science), awarded by Tamil Nadu Physical Education and sports university, Chennai (2018).


He learnt mudras from several yoga masters and books since 1972. His teacher Training Course further enhanced his knowledge in Mudras.


He was first introduced to Television media by Director VISU in 2002 by “Aratai Arangam”,talk show in SUN TV. Then he appeared in JAYA TV., RAJ TV, POTHIGAI TV and MAKKAL TV in the past 15 years. His continuous talk show “NALAM THARUM MOOLIGAI”, between 7.50am and 8.00am on all working days in makkal TV made him popular as a siddha doctor and yoga teacher in 154 countries all over the world. He was invited by Fetna, USA in 2016, a rare honour and recognition confirmed upon him, to talk about siddha system. His talk about Herbal health is released in hundreds of episodes in Valaitamil Youtube Channel.


He is a self styled traditional siddha practitioner, destined to serve the suffering humanity by the blessings of siddhas. His own personal experience in getting cure from peptic ulcer and asthma, which are said to be incurable and only manageable, in modern medical system. kindled his curiosity to learn more, analyse and practice siddha system of medicine.

His continuous scientific research studies enabled him to design and develop proprietry siddha medicine of a wide range. As an ardent follower and practitioner of Hata Yoga Vasiyogam( Pranayama),Bandha,and Mudura,his analysis of combination of yoga with siddha medicine enabled him to evolved “SIDDHAYOGA” system.

As a scientist, by his practice with studying and understanding of siddha system, he came to know that the combination of siddha medicine with yoga can permanently cure several chronic, so called incurable, non communicable life style diseases without fail. After getting his Ph.D degree in Toxicologey, his whole concentration and attention has been focused on scientific evaluation and revalidation of the efficacy of the combination of siddha medicine and yoga in the treatment of siddha practice. He presented his findings as research papers in conferences, sympoasium, and seminor and published research articles, in scientific journals.

He is enlisted in Tamilnadu Siddha medical council (1987) as a registered traditional siddha medical practisioner, approved by the Government(Enlistment No.192)

He started a siddha medicine manufacturing company in the name and style of “SIDDHA YOGA PHARMA” in 1990. For more than a quarter century this company is run by Mrs. Thangam Anbuganapathi manufacturing both proprietry and sastric siddha medicine in the form of syrup, capsule, oil, lagium,rasayanam,Ilagam, churanam, mezhugu and cream, ranging to a total number of 86 products.