Energy Foods Science is the essence of life Style of Siddha. It ensures holistic health, through the combination of SIDDHA MEDICINE, YOGASANA, PRANAYAMA, BHANDA, MUTHRA and DHYANA (Meditation). The chronic, incurable, noncommunicable Diseases like.ASTHMA, ARTHRITIS, BLOOD PRESSURE, DIABETES, PILES, PSORIASIS, IMPOTENCY, OBESITY, SINUSITIS, RHINITIS, ISCHAEMIC HEART DISEASE, RENAL FAILURES, LEUCODERMA, LEUCORRHOEA, MENORHOEGIA, KIDNEY STONES, GALL STONES, ULCER, FIBROIDS, VISSIONDEFECTS, STERILITY, etc., which still pose a big challenge to modern medicine are completely cured by SIDDHAYOGA MARUTHUVAM (Therapy), with No Failure, No side effect and No Relapse, mostly.

As an integral part of siddhayoga Therapy. Energy Foods was established in 2008, to manufacture siddha medicines. Siddha Medical system has been contributing much to the health of human beings in India, and Siddha Vaithiyam could be considered as the crown of all the traditional healings of ancient world owing to its richness, simplicity as well complexity.

In Energy Foods the medicines are prepared by scientific methods. The Raw-materials and Finished products are tested in built-in analytical laboratory and out sourcing to maintain high standards. The extracts are prepared directly from the herbs and the botanical idendity of which are scientifically assessed. The preparations are done with a thermoregulation system, so that the bio-active principles are retained in finished products. The high concentration of active principles restore/recover health very fast ie., the patient feels the benefit immediately, even from the day one of taking medicine. All our products are scientifically tested and proved by the laboratory and clinical trial studies conducted by Dr. G. ANBUGANAPATHI, M.Sc., Ph.D., ESMP, RIMP., over a period of more than 50years. All the raw materials are purified as per ‘SHUDHI’ procedures of SIDDHA and so they are surely safe to use. The products have no side effect and drug interaction, so that treatment can be combined with other systems of medicine including Allopathy without fear.

The prescription of medicines, methods of administration, demonstration of simple, effective and selected yogasana, pranayama (breathing methods), Bhandha, Muthra and Dhyana (specific meditation techniques) for each complaint are vediographed in the DVD available for various diseases. See the DVD for instruction, yogasana and pranayama, learn and practice them and enjoy a healthy, happy long life for ever.

Dr. G. Anbuganapathi, M.Sc. Ph.D.
Energy Foods